Scent Marketing Principles & Ambient Scent Design

Surprising Uses for Fragrance Oils
There’s nothing quite like the soothing aroma of your favorite essential oils wafting from your bathtub or diffuser after a long day, and there are even more ways to benefit from your favorite home...

Art of Aroma
Tips to Make Scents Last Longer in Your Home
On par with style and cleanliness, your home’s scent is another signature element that makes a huge first impression upon entering your space. Keeping your house smelling delightful and inviting do...

The battle between Cold Air Diffuser vs. Ultrasonic Diffuser
Scenting Technology
Scenting is a therapeutic way to boost your mood and emotions, studies have shown that fragrance oils are proven to reduce stress and increase attentiveness. Finding what sc...

HVAC Scent Diffuser
Aroma360’s scent machines use cold air diffusion technology to provide consistent scenting throughout any area. This technology enables a more efficient way of dispersing scents throughout rooms ...

How to Make Your Business Smell Amazing — And Why
It may sound cliché, but first impressions really do last. This is why companies exert so much effort in ensuring their place of business is aesthetically pleasing. A well-decorated and inviting...

The Ultimate Antidote To Nose Blindness
Have you ever heard of “nose blindness”? When you become so accustomed to a smell that you’re no longer aware of it? The home environment is the classic location for this to occur, leading to a les...

Where To Place Your Aroma Diffuser
No matter what size your aroma diffuser is, positioning is crucial. Doors, windows, and other access and egress points all have an impact as to where the fragrance will pervade. The following discu...

Benefits Of HVAC Scent Diffuser In Schools And Educational Facilities?
Aroma is a powerful tool, one that goes straight to the area of the brain that influences emotion and mood. The right scent within an educational facility provides a multitude of advantages, both t...

Cold Air Diffusers: Everything You Need To Know
Aromatherapy and scenting are at their peak right now, and with so much attention comes a myriad of innovative products. We've known about the usual suspects for years; candles, incense sticks, and...