5 (Manly) Scents for the Man Cave Perfect for Father's Day-Aroma360 HVAC Scenting Systems
Aroma 360

5 (Manly) Scents for the Man Cave Perfect for Father's Day

A man cave is all about ambiance: comfy couches, the right TV setup, low lighting and most importantly, a manly scent. No, not like that. We’re talking essential oils. Essential oils like cedarwood...
The Smell of Productivity

The Smell of Productivity

Trend Alert - Scented Weddings

Trend Alert - Scented Weddings

Wedding logos and party themes are so last season. The newest trend in wedding planning? Scenting. Yes - soon-to-be newlyweds are now using scent to create a personalized experience for their guest...
Fitness Scenting

Fitness Scenting

In a contained test within gyms and fitness centers, it was established that the scent of peppermint could actually increase athletic performance. Participants in a control group were given a peppe...
Scent and Savasana

Scent and Savasana

Set the mood for your yoga practice with scent. Scents can create an elevated mood and set the tone for devotional practice. Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils to create a stimulating and i...
The Science Behind Scent Marketing

The Science Behind Scent Marketing

One of the many reasons why scent can create such meaningful and long-lasting impressions is because it surpasses the part of the brain that processes logic and reasoning. Our initial reaction to s...
Technology in the Scenting Industry

Technology in the Scenting Industry

Aromatherapy has been around for centuries, but with its effects gaining popularity and media attention, we’re seeing a rise in trends and products. Outlined below are some of the technologies and ...


Pair Your Wine with the Perfect Scent
Ambient scenting

Pair Your Wine with the Perfect Scent

February 18th is National Drink Wine Day! The list of health benefits that accompanies wine seems to be ever-growing. Recently we’ve learned that wine can not only help reduce the risk of blocked a...